

Done-For-You Photography & Graphics For a High Converting Amazon Product Listing

Amazon Product Photography - poster

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Professional Product Photography for Amazon

Over the past 5 years, we’ve worked with over 1000 Amazon sellers creating +1200 listings, collectively helping generate millions in monthly sales. The Kenji ROI team knows Amazon inside and out.

One Company for All Amazon Product Photography Needs

No need to hire and coordinate photographers, graphic designers and models–our team does it all, providing a cohesive look and feel.

Proven to Boost Amazon Conversion Rate

All projects are completed with our proprietary Triple Optimized Listing Method. Check out our case studies proving how our services can drastically improve conversion rates.

How Kenji's Amazon Product Photography Services Works

Amazon Product Photography

We provide top quality product photos optimized specifically for Amazon listings. Our process is tailored specifically to get to best results for the Amazon marketplace.

  • As “Hands On” or “Hands Off” As You Want: Through our extensive intake form, onboarding call, and approval steps, we work with clients who have ultra-specific needs, as well as Amazon Sellers who prefer to “hand it to the pros” and have us do our magic.
  • Optimized For Amazon Conversion Rates: The Kenji team goes through extensive product research to identify key benefits that will make the customer more likely to buy your product, and then clearly communicates these in your product images.
  • We Match Your Vision: We allow clients the option of reviewing the shot list (plan for the photos before the photos are shot), and provide us feedback to get things as close as possible to your ideal vision.
  • Receive Image Files Ready for Amazon: Our photos are created to fulfill all of Amazon’s strict image requirements. You can find completed images in the “Files” tab of your Kenji Client Dashboard and if requested, we will upload the images to your Amazon account for you. It’s that easy.
  • World-Class Customer Service: From placing a new order to discussing shot direction, our customer service team is with you every step of the way. We’re super easy to get a hold of. Request a quote from our team today.

How Do Variants & Bulk Orders Work?

For simple color variants, we use Graphic Color Swaps to duplicate the same photo set in each color for a small fraction of the price.
Amazon Product Photography - kenji roi graphic color swap
For other variants with different textures, sizes, or physical differences we can take “Variant Images” and charge them out at $20 per image as long as you have a base photo package for one of the variants.

To get priced out, please submit a quote request form below:

Kenji's Formula for High Converting Amazon Product Photos

If you want to succeed on Amazon, your photos have to look perfect. They are the first (and often last) thing your customers see before they decide to buy your product. Our Amazon Product Photography packages for your Amazon products feature a specific breakdown of images to most effectively show product benefits:

1. Amazon Product Lifestyle Photography

The most effective way to set yourself apart from competitors on Amazon is with product lifestyle photography.

Poorly photoshopped stock images are easy to pick out, and have become the hallmark of cheap Chinese copycat brands.

Low end brands simply don’t have the budget or skills to create high quality lifestyle images with a real model, making it a low hanging fruit for savvy Amazon Sellers.

There’s no better tool to get shoppers to visualize how their life will improve through owning your product. Our aim with Amazon Product photography is to capture the exact moment the main product benefits are being received by the model so shoppers can feel a strong desire to receive those benefits themselves.

We do our Amazon product photography in the Instagram influencer hotspot of Bali, Indonesia. Here we have access to models from all around Europe, Russia, North America, and Asia to exactly match US Amazon shopper demographics. Bali also has a great selection of luxury villas and shoot locations to use.

Kenji ROI's Lifestyle Image Options

Real Lifestyle Photos With Model

Amazon Product Photography - Lifestyle 5-Muffin Pan

For products that are highly technical or brands with a big enough budget, real lifestyle photos using a model gets the best results.

Kenji ROI’s photo shoots take place in the Instagram influencer hotbed of Bali, Indonesia. We use all western models (unless Balinese requested) at a variety of shoot locations luxury enough to make your friends jealous (some locations and models are extra cost and can add considerable time to delivery). Read the full review about us at Fixthephoto.com

Available only in the Platinum Photo Package (scroll down for details)

Photo Manipulation Lifestyle Images

Photo Manipulation

Real lifestyle photos can be too expensive for some. So we created “Photo Manipulation Lifestyle Images” as an alternative.

What makes our service unique is we photograph your product to match the lighting in the stock photo scene. Then using our special software, our expert editors are able to add it into the stock image matching the lighting, angle and shadows.

Available only in the Gold Photo Package (scroll down for details)

2. Amazon Infographic Images

Using graphic design and text on images is the most effective and fastest way to communicate key benefits of your product to low attention span shoppers.

Did you know that most Amazon shoppers don’t even read the bullet points or description?

This is easily provable by the large number of negative reviews from customers who failed to read the key info posted there.

All infographic images we create have large text, easily readable for Amazon mobile app shoppers, and optimized to cleanly and clearly give them the key info they need to make a buying decision–before they decide to click your competitor’s product instead.

3. Amazon White Background Photography

The main image on Amazon is required to have a pure white background and no text or graphics. 

While some sellers do get away with graphics for some time, often their listing gets suppressed.

We shoot our white background images in our studio in Bali, Indonesia with professional studio lighting and camera equipment. Our editing team then touches up levels and edits out any blemishes, dust, or smudges for a “better than real life” finished photo.

If you’re looking for simple amazon product photography for your Amazon products without lifestyle images, go with our Silver Photo Package (scroll down for details)


Kenji's 7 Best Amazon Photo Tips (video)


The Platinum and Gold photo packages are nearly identical with one major difference… Platinum includes a real lifestyle model and Gold uses “photo manipulation lifestyle images” which are reverse engineered stock images with your product composited in.

See examples and more details here

Only the Platinum Photo Package comes with a real lifestyle model. The Gold Photo Package uses “Photo Manipulation Lifestyle Images”  (see explanation above). The Silver Photo Package does not come with any lifestyle images.

Not your typical stock images everyone hates on. We select premium quality stock images, then take real images of your product that match the lighting & angle of the premium stock image.

The Photo Manipulation Process


The way we present your product comes from a lot of research and 5+ years of Amazon experience. That said, we’re still human and sometimes make mistakes. So for any factual errors, (e.g. we put in the wrong measurements or missed a specific request from your intake form) we make those changes free-of-charge. 

However, for all other preferential changes ranging from graphic style to stock image swaps, we charge a revision fee per image of $25 AFTER the (1st round: Gold & Silver packages / 3 rounds: Platinum package) of changes. 

And any requests requiring a re-shoot is subject to additional photography, model, or location fees on an as needed basis.

We ask that by working with Kenji ROI you trust our expertise in Amazon listing optimization, and understand that in order to deliver a high standard at a reasonable price we need to limit revisions. We hope you understand. (if you’d like an intro to a designer who can offer further unlimited revisions on an hourly basis, let us know). Full revision policy & procedure.

Amazon Photography - Toilet Sprayer With Adjustable Pressure Control - Hero - 1The main image takes up the first image slot and is what customers see on the search results, Amazon Ads, and is the #1 factor affecting “Click Through Rate.” We offer multiple main images in the Platinum & Gold packages so you can “Split Test” aka “A/B Test” them against each other to find the one with the highest click through rate, bringing potentially massive gains in traffic to your product. It’s the single most effective optimization you can make to a top performing product. We recommend using Splitly to assist in this.

A hand model only has their hand and part of the arm in the frame. A lifestyle model has the possibility of their entire body & face in frame & better shows emotion & some specific benefits/ actions. (only available in the “Platinum Package”)

It’s a compilation of the deep customer research we do to ensure each listing is built to match the most important benefits, likes, and dislikes of your target customer.

Customer Dislikes (from 1-3 star reviews on competitor products – the numbers indicate how many times they came up in research)

Most Common Customer Questions (from Questions section on competitor products)

Insightful phrases taken from customer reviews. (creative uses for the product, detailed examples of how the product helped them, etc).

We share exactly 0% of client information. At your request we will also sign Non Disclosure Agreements.

We do however greatly appreciate when clients give us permission to showcase the work we did together in our portfolio. This only happens upon express  written permission from client.

You’ll need to ship us a sample of your product to our studio in Bali, Indonesia. It’s quickest to ship directly from your manufacturer in China.
We shoot photos and video in Bali because that’s where we have the best selection of models from around the world (large expat population), and modern, beautifrul shoot locations that would cost $1000 per night or more in the US. In Bali we can produce at a higher quality while still making everything appear to be shot in America.

See full shipping to us details here.

While we don’t present you with options to choose from and approve the exact models for the shoot, we do let you specify the model’s

  • Age range
  • Gender
  • Ethnicity
  • General build
  • Clothing style

And we choose a model that fits as closely as possible.

The reasons we don’t offer selection and approval of models are:

  1. We are not a modelling agency, and contracting one costs minimum $500 so we would have to increase our prices significantly
  2. Since we don’t pay our models the much higher modeling agency rates, we can’t guarantee a specific model at the specific time we need to shoot without causing large delays. Our clients vastly prefer to have less delays and the lower costs, and they still have input into the type of model they would like.

It’s a new type of image that is a mix between a lifestyle and infographic image. It’s a lifestyle image with a graphic text heading added to it. It’s different from lifestyle because it has text on it. It’s different from infographic because it’s specifically a lifestyle and has only a text heading without additional graphic elements.

Kenji ROI Case Studies

kenji roi case study
kenji roi case study
kenji roi case study

Kenji ROI Testimonials

Facebook Testimonial - Kevin David
Facebook Testimonial - Ky Vu
Facebook Testimonial - Anthony Alexander
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Facebook Testimonial - Tom Wang
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Kenji ROI Reviews

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